Medical Buzzers

Compliant with IEC 60601‑1‑8 Alarm Signal Requirements
Piezo Indicator Buzzers Ideal for Medical Applications

Piezo Indicator Buzzers Ideal for Medical Applications

Same Sky's medical buzzers are a range of piezo audio indicator buzzers compliant with the alarm signal requirements of IEC 60601-1-8. The CPIM family produces low, medium, and high priority tones for general medical use as well as tones for specific medical applications, including ventilator, oxygen, and cardiovascular equipment. Carrying built-in driving circuits, these piezo audio indicators feature rated voltages of 5 Vdc, sound pressure levels of 90 dB at 10 cm, and rated frequencies of 4,000 Hz. The models are housed in through hole packages with 44 mm diameters and 10.25 mm profiles.


  • Compliant with IEC 60601-1-8
  • Built-in driving circuits
  • SPLs of 90 dB at 10 cm
  • 4,000 Hz rated frequencies
  • Through hole packages
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